Ways to Give

If you need assistance, please feel free to contact us about any of these options.

1. Online

Give safely and securely through our online giving platform. Select "John 3:16 Story".

2. Download App

Download the Tithe.ly app from the App Store or Google Play. Search “Metro Baptist Church” to give.

3. Cash or Check

Mail or drop off your gift anytime during church office hours. Make Check out to Metro Baptist Church.
Memo: The John 3:16 Story

Metro Baptist Church
7768 Wedgewood Street - Upper Unit

Burnaby, BC
V5E 2E6


The John 3:16 Story is a ministry of Metro Baptist Church in Burnaby, BC, Canada.  We are passionate about publishing the gospel locally and around the world. As you invest financially in God’s work here, your generosity has a global impact.

Why Generosity?

 “Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver.” (2 Corinthians 9:7)

Biblical giving is defined as “grace-giving from willing hearts”—never pressured. Though God could never need our money, He graciously invites us to invest into His purposes in reaching unbelieving hearts. We give because He has first given us His own Son. He provides for our needs and invites us to steward His gifts well. As we are generous through the local church, we are investing in the kingdom of Jesus Christ and His work in transforming the hearts of people!


Schedule Your Giving

If you would like to give a recurring online gift to our ministry, you can setup automatic monthly payments at the link below.


Frequently Asked Questions

1. How do you record my giving?

We use a finance tool called Tithe.ly. You can create a Tithe.ly account at this link or download the app from the App Store or Google Play. Once your account is set up, you can view, update, and monitor all of your giving activity and obtain year-end contribution statements.

2. Is my information secure?

Yes, all payment processing is handled on PCI Level 1 Compliant servers. Your information is held securely and will remain private (never given away to third parties other than to process your scheduled contributions). 

3. How do I schedule and manage my giving? 

You can schedule, modify, or cancel contributions at any time prior to the date they are scheduled. Once the contribution has been processed, however, it cannot be canceled. If you have any problems or questions related to this, please contact Tithe.ly at (424) 228-8870.

4. Can I make a one-time gift?

Yes, you can do so online or by cash/cheque.

with us

We'd love to show you how to begin a relationship with Jesus today.

  • Annual J316Story Outreach in Vancouver, BC, Canada (July 3-5, 2025)

  • FIFA World Cup 2026
      • CANADA:
        Vancouver, Toronto
      • USA:
        Seattle, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Dallas, Houston, Kansas City, Philadelphia, Atlanta, Miami, Boston, and New York
      • MEXICO:
        Monterrey, Guadalajara, and Mexico City



7768 Wedgewood Street - Upper Unit
Burnaby, BC
V5E 2E6

*Click here for directions



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